Wednesday 2 January 2013

#043 - New Years Resolutions

Knit: Forever 21
Shirt: Republic
Bracelet: Primark
Leggings: New Look
Bag: Primark
Socks: Topshop
Trainers: New Look

So these pics are irrelevant to the whole resolution stuff but I haven't featured them yet and its one of my fave outfits, I love the whole knit layered over a shirt look and love Converse too to caus down an outfit! Anywhooo I've seen lots of NY resolution-based posts, and while I'm pretty useless at keeping them I thought perhaps featuring them on my blog would help! I've made both lifestyle and style resolutions, here are my lifestyle ones and I'll share my style ones tomorrow:

1) Keep up the good fitness routine
OK so this isn't the kind of resolution you usually see, normally it's more like, get fit, or get down the gym you lazy bastard, etc etc. But actually I've been pretty good with keeping fit this winter, purely cos I've had a couple months off of work and so joined the gym to fill my time. Although it cost a bit the money really helped my incentive to go. My membership finishes at the end of Feb so I'm hoping I can motivate myself to go running/swimming/cycling from then on as the weather gets better, cos between work and socialising I probably won't have time to dedicate to a proper gym sesh from March onwards.

2) Make a better effort with my friends
Whether that's spending more quality time with buddies over here, or keeping in better touch with pals on the mainland, I want to take time to make all my special peeps feel special (wowsers that sounds dodgy). Last year we would always plan to do something but never follow it through, life would always end up rushing past before we could actually do anything. I've seen lovely people arrive on the island and then leave before I had a chance to properly get to know them, even though I could tell that if we had had that chance, we'd have become great pals.

3) Make the most of being on Scilly
As much as part of me resents still living at home with my parents at (almost) 24, I do live in one of the most beautiful places in the UK. And with this hopefully being my last year working here I want to make the most of it. Every year there are certain things I say I'm gonna do but this year is my last chance (well, bar holidays back here) so I've gotta get on with it!

4) Keep more up to date with blogging
I blogged a bit earlier on this year but didn't keep it up because I was rubbish at finding the time to take photos, which was sad because I really enjoy it, especially as I don't really get much of a chance to wear certain super-cool but not really boating/beaching/biking practical outfits over here. However, I think keeping this resolution will be more realistic partly because I've found a good photo location just round the side of my house, and also partly because I've got a tripod now so don't need to rely on friends or boyf to take pics for me if they don't have the time (not that it isn't great to have a personal photographer occasionally!)

5) Go travelling
The whole reason I'm living back home is because after uni I didn't want to get straight into a career without having travelled a bit first. I plan to do SE Asia and a bit of Aus/NZ around October time, so I want to make sure I start planning and getting hyped about going away! At the moment I find it all very daunting but know that I'll love it once I'm out there, so need to get over the 'argh it's scary' feeling and get on with it! And also, in the same vein - 

6) Save save save!
I want to be way more careful with my money this year. I'm generally pretty good with it anyway but I want to put away more per week than I did last year, and look to do some extra work outside my normal job if and when I can.

7) Live by YOLO
Yes, I know the whole YOLO thing has gotten a bit cringe...but if you ignore all the cheesy connotations it's gotten, the message I think is an important one. I can be a bit of a worrier and more than once this last year I've missed out on an afterparty or crazy night to avoid being tired at work the next day - how lame does that sound?! I don't want to look back at the weekend and think, I didn't really do anything special those last two days. I'd rather be busy making memories and dosed up on Pro Plus and the occasional lie-in!

Have you guys made any resolutions? How likely do you think it is that I'll keep mine?! Tune in tomorrow for my style resolutions!


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