Monday, 4 February 2013


Necklace: New Look
Top: New Look
Skirt: Primark
Shoes: ASOS
Rings: Primark

I coined a new word today. Crayday. Today has been an absolute crayday. Nothing in particular made it so cray. It was just one of those days where I didn't stop. I started off the day being quite disgusted at myself for having such a huge breakfast. Four pieces of toast. Yep that's right. Four. Not an acceptable amount of toast to have in one sitting by any means. The thing is I had a real bad hangover yesterday, which subsided around 3pm, leaving that consuming, empty post-hangover hunger, like the munchies but without having smoked anything interesting...anyway as much as I ate yesterday the stomach rumbled on. I think this morning I still had some hunger debt leftover from yesterday, a void I hastened to fill with toast. As much as at the time all I could think was, you greedy little bugger, thank god I did it because there was no way I was getting lunch today. Frikkin crayday.

Anyway here's some pics for you. This skirt was a fiver - can you believe it?! *drool*



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks hun :) I'm also obsessed with them both!xx

  2. I really love your outfit! It suits you very well ^_^
    I just found you and immediately became member! I would really appreciate it if you'll visit my blog back :)
    Kisses and keep in touch ♡

    1. Awww thank you, that's so sweet :) of course I'll have a look, really glad you like the outfit xxx

  3. Ah haha love the way you narrate your posts.
    I have done that before eaten a ridiculous amount of breakfast and then just had shame in myself haha.
    This outfit is amazing, can't believe the skirt was £5?! Mega bargain x

    1. Haha thank you, just general ramblings I think :p and tell me about it, such a bargain! I mean, Primark is always good but this is extra cheap for such a gorge item!xx

  4. Crayday! Love it!
    Gonna have to borrow that one :)

    1. Feel free :) it's nice to know I'm not the only one that has them xxx
